Friday, April 30, 2010

Homeschool 2009-2010

This has been a GREAT! school year for us. Lots of our goals accomplished but still many more to be realized. The beauty of homeschool is that those goals can carry over from year to year and aren't grade level specific. Our goals were simple this school year: Learn, Give and Grow. Lauren is off the charts. I'm pretty sure she's on a great academic road for learning and achieving her goals and God's assignment for her life. Next year is even more exciting and she's asking for even more academic challenge. Very exciting.

Jackson is on his way to Kindergarten. I'm so glad we waited to send him. He's so much more ready for learning in a classroom setting than last year. Not sure how long he'll go to Public School before we'll bring him home. In my mind, 3rd grade will be his first year for homeschool but again, the beauty is flexibility. I love that I have choices.

Emily is doing well. Despite all of her challenges she's learning and growing. I'm looking forward to next year and spending some more one on one time with her. We have boundaries determined for us when it comes to school. Those boundaries set by Epilepsy. When she is in seizure mode there is no going forward. Lots of read aloud books. I look forward to those one on one times next year when Jackson will be learning and challenged at TCA.

The next school year is really shaping up for my children. Speech for both the girls, co-op for Emily, College Pathways for Lauren, Kindergarten, writing club, volunteering, the opportunities are endless.

Thought I'd list out our curriculum for next year: More to get it on paper than because I really think you care....

Math U See
History Odyssey- Middle Ages
Excellence in Writing
One Year Adventure Novel-Literature
Science- TCA/Co-op
Barton Spelling
Bible- Kay Arthur

Still undecided about Literature for Emily. Thinking of Son-light for her since they have a ton of read-alouds.

We have definitely decided on Tapestry of Grace for our main curriculum through High School. For Lauren she'll take Math, Science and an elective at College Pathways through High School. It feels good to have direction. To see the benefits and successes of this crazy idea of homeschool actually working.

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